Through careful craft and design, we extract the spicy core from rotten concepts, and bring them back into the stream as active ingredients.

Hello, User. You have come to the house of RAVA. This is a creative studio based in Warsaw. We design systems of content, especially the content that is difficult to convey, organize and comprehend. Various types of animation are favourite tools in the studio.
Email: [email protected] | Phone: (+48) 786 830 677

Animation Illustration DTP/prints Big Projects


illustration 06

intro picture

The style was developed with inspiration from the wonderful works of Yukai Du

Ten styl ilustracji został wypracowany z inspiracji wspaniałymi pracami Yukai Du


Set of organic style illustrations made in RAVA for different projects. The style is based on: simplified organic shapes, blobs, irregular edges, a vibrant and limited color palette, and various patterns marking lights and shadows.

Zestaw organicznych ilustracji z różnych projektów. Styl opiera się na: uproszczonych organicznych kształtach, nieregularnych krawędziach, ograniczona paleta intensywnych barw i rozmaitych szlaczkach zaznaczających światłocień.

introduction picture

cover for statistical analysis explanation | № 01


playing cards for young adults | № 04

picture picture

Part of animation communicating science | № 04
